Survival vs. Co-creation
Inhibited breathing is linked to a perception, that the world appears to be an unpredictable or even difficult or dangerous place. This belief supports its own reality, creating a circle of cause and effect.
Survival responses are linked to the sympathetic nervous system and the reptilian brain, which only chooses between fight, flight, or freeze reactions. By repeating these reactions of survival, they become established and second nature.
Becoming aware, and changing the breathing pattern is one of the ways we can break this perpetual loop, and re-engage the parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for rest, digestion, and healing). It opens us up to conscious co-creation.
Changing the breathing pattern by slowing down and deepening the breath, allowing the exhales to become long and smooth, and the inhales active and even, restores the ability to choose our response in a conscious, creative manner, rather than re-act in habituated ways.
It is good to know it, but it only works if you apply it! 😉